The Jerome Township Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month – 7:00pm at the Township Hall
Public Participation Policy
Residents with questions or concerns may voice themselves to the Township Board at one of the Regular Board Meetings.
Our monthly Township Board meeting is designed for your elected officials to conduct the township business. It is of course an Open Meeting within the definition of the law and you are encouraged to attend and observe your elected representatives in action. You will note that the meeting agenda provides for “Public Comment”. We would anticipate that these will be broad Township concerns. For individual problems, questions, or concerns we suggest contacting a Board member. If you desire to meet with any board member, please do not hesitate to make your wishes known. Please observe the following rules for Public Comment that was adopted by the Jerome Township Board, on October 7, 2013:
If you wish to address the Board you can under the business item “Public Comment. “Comments are limited to 3 minutes.
When addressing the Board, please address all questions and comments to the Supervisor.
Please keep in mind that we are very interested in hearing your views, however, we ask that you observe common courtesy and respect for all participants of our meeting.